Friday, 26 October 2007

The Subconscious is a Cruel Mistress...

My subconscious has come up with a brand new trick to taunt me.

Basically, towards the end of my REM sleep cycle, it will start playing a dream - quite a boring dream really, quite uneventful. Essentially, I will be sitting around just hanging out with someone, like... sittin' around, chillin', having a good old chin-wag, etc...

Then I wake up and think, 'ahh, good work Sub-C, I'll go send that person a facebook message and maybe go for a drink or two', and then I realise that THE PERSON DOESN'T EXIST! So yeah, thanks subconscious, thanks for taunting me with the great experience of hanging out and listening to the latest Vandals album in Wolverhampton (or maybe Preston) with Elizabeth Hsieng Fu, (this morning's guest)... Mumble grumble anger etc.

Whilst on the subject of waking up, do you ever get it where you wake up with an alarm, but that you're so tired that you're completely unable to understand what the alarm even means? Like, yesterday, my alarm went off, and instead of thinking 'oh, that's my phone, time to wake up', I actually thought, 'oh, that's my robot, telling me that my bacon eggs have hatched.'

BACON EGGS!? I mean whatthefuck? I was trying to think about what that could have possibly meant later on, and I eventually came up with the idea of an egg-borne animal that perfectly ressembles a rasher of bacon. And with that thought, I will leave you.


Anonymous said...

Oh Tom *love filled laughter-huggles*

Have you ever tried searching for these apparently made-up people on facebook? 'Cause they could be real. WOULDN'T THAT BE WEIRD.
And yeah, I do that last thing.

Anonymous said...

p.s. are you sure it wasn't "hsiang-fu"? 'cause that's a real last name...

Parma Violet said...


One morning I thought that my alarm was actually my hair straighteners breaking (they were both on my bedside table) so I tried to unplug the straighteners, only the find that they weren't plugged in, which made me panic and throw them across the room, and then I realised it was only my alarm clock. :)

The clocks went back last night! Now it will be pitch-dark evenings and pure rapist territory for me on my way home from college. Fucking daylight savings. FUCK YOU!!

TheNineDollarBlog said...

EXCEPT! the rapists will think that the fillies will be getting home an hour earlier, so they'll be waiting around the dark streets for fifty minutes, see noone's coming, get bored, and go home.

thus they have been tricked! thanks to the brave lads of the ministry of clock-keeping and busybodydry!