If ever anyone were to ask me for a piece of wisdom, I would tell them this: 'you will feel much more fulfilled if you learn to accept that a decent wedge of the world's population find your existance utterly offencive.' Once you've got this sorted out in your head, the urge to please everyone all the time quickly dissipates, and you're left with a more common sense approach to life. This particularly works in regards to trying to convince... people of... things. A lot of people think that there is one answer out there that, if repeated and forced enough, will please everybody - there isn't, so please stop trying. For instance, I find the belief that there exists a God who is utterly transcendental, and greater than any human being, utterly offencive, and, for lack of a better word, sacreligious. But I also recognise that many people will think exactly the same thing of what I just said. So y'know, to state the obvious, tolerance is the key.
In this light of respecting one's innate disagreeability, I am going to make a definitive statement: soup should be made from meat. A vegetarian soup is not a soup, its just... not... soup.
Also, I made'd a comic, I reckon I'll upload it!

Sigh. Okay, the reason I don't like making comics is that while I may be confident enough with my ability to draw while doodling, when what you draw will be there from when you draw untill when you leave it alone - its then when you have to make a comic out of it, when you have to rule out all the frames, and plan the positions and place in the text and then ink it and scan and attempt to do some kind of weird image-fiddling ritual to darken up the lines, etc. etc. after all that your sense of scrutiny starts to overload and by the time you've finished the piece you're looking at it thinking... 'What a piece of shit. That doesn't deserve to whipe an arse, yet alone grace the internets."
I don't know, maybe practice helps. But practice is still doing, and doing isn't fun.
Anyway, bye.
its too small to read!
does zoominess follow clicking? i thought it would... does it not?
i can't see it properly either. if you upload it on to the blogspot thingy when you add a picture, then it should be a zoomyclick.
First you hate Superbad, then you enjoy The Number 23?
I HAVE NO TOM!!! *rips clothes, or ... whatever it is that jews do*
okay, the number 23 was actually pretty good. once you get the knack of the whole '23 game' thing (2 and 3 are the first two prime numbers, so naturally, quite a lot of things can be mathematically forced into them), its actually quite a good film about the nature of paranoia.
also, superbad was just reg'lar bad.
so yeah meg, why don't you just rip off your whole self!!
The script is bad and unsubtle and stupid. Take the son for example. What the fuck is the point of him talking? He just stands there asking stuff like "So, what does it all mean??" like some sort of middle man between the plot and the audience. You know, just in case you can't follow it or something.
It's just a stupid gimmicky film! Like every twenty three minutes into the film, or something like that, a blood splatter gets spliced into the frame. Ultralame. And the 'twist' at the end is embarrassingly predictable.
Although I'll give you this: when I came out of the cinema, sufficiently unimpressed, I did suddenly feel a WEE BIT creeped out when I realised I'd seen the film on March 2nd, i.e., the 2nd of the 3rd. O_O
BUT NO I DON'T CARE SHUT UP ANYWAY!!! *runs away and cries*
If you put the picture in as a saved image instead of a html link i think it will work
it didn't work. i tried that first, and it worked even less.
also, i like that my blog has the most comments when it comes to correcting me on my technical usages. GET IN THE BACK SEAT EMOTIONS AND OPINIONS!
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