Saturday, 10 November 2007

This entry is kinda like an invitation...

Hey losers. So, the gears of fate are in motion, and it has come into fruition. I'm coming back down to Brum on the 22nd, and I'd like to invite some of you to hang out with me at my home.

However, this shan't just be any old out-hanging. No sir. What I have come into possession of is the box set of Lost Series 3, and I know for a fact that when I get home I'm going to want to sit and watch all 15 hours of it, the question is: WHO WILL JOIN ME!?

So yeah, I'm thinking we'll start this early on on Friday 23rd, and carry on deep into the night, get some take-aways, drink some tea, maybe nap for a few hours, and then carry on watching our eyes out.

Okay, so, yeah, resvip if you dare!


This doodah is now happening on the 24th. GET USED TO IT!


Anonymous said...

i'll probably come if i can get a lift.
and then i may go busk in solihull :)

Parma Violet said...

Um, Tom ... it's gonna be my birthday then. :(

TheNineDollarBlog said...

but you said that you would celebrate your birthday on the saturday..?

Parma Violet said...

but if people are up or night watching Lost at your house won't everyone be too tired and not-wanting to come to my birthday thing? :(

Parma Violet said...

*all night, not or night

TheNineDollarBlog said...


no, that won't be a problem. i will strictly prohibit the being of tired.

also, what kind of time will you be bedet-slebberating?