Monday, 10 March 2008

A GameCube for the GameSquare

A certain someone tells me that there three things that one needs to take interest in in order to be a real man:

  • The Sportball: Uncheck. Its pointless, noone ever makes any witty quips, and it just goes on forever, (figuratively, and literally). The Sportball is lame and I hate it.
  • Automocars: Uncheck. In my opinion, driving is a very antisocial activity. People go around in their huge metal phallic symbols excreting tonnes of poisonous gases into the poor defenceless atmosphere. Also, some cars make loud noises. People whose cars make loud noises should be punched in the head untill they stop moving.
  • And thirdly, Videro Games: Uncheck... but not as unchecked as everything else... More than the other two things, I can just about see the point of video games, (except games about playing sportball or driving automocars, those are lame), but its still not something I'm really interested in. Maybe its cos I'm not very good at them, but then maybe I'm not very good at them cos I don't play them very often? Also, they're quite expensive... like, a well-stocked video game collection is a several thousand pound investment, accumalatively. And I don't really see that its worth it...
I have only ever owned two games consoles. The first was a NES, which was fun and good. I started playing video games at the time when the third dimension was just being discovered, and I was actually pretty sceptical. I remember watching whatsitsface, that show where a doctored image of Sir Patrick Moore reviewed video games, and showed off all these brand new 3D games... of course, back then you needed a pretty good imagination to be able to appreciate interactive tridemensionality, but I was properly reactionary against it, 'NO,' i thought, 'keep it 2D, man was not meant to play in depth!'

So then I started to drift away. I later got a Nintendo 64, but I never really got completely into it, I only really had three or four games for it...

UNTILL NOW! The other day I bought a GameCube. My friend Chris was visiting Lancaster, and he dragged me into GameStation, (what is it with gamers and KangarooCasing?), he looked around, I worked out stupid ways of saying 'video games', ('fiddero james' was my favourite). On the way out, I say the GameCube in the front window. It was a special edition including a copy of Pokémon Colloseum, and it only cost £24. I frantically tried to think of a reason why I wasn't immediately buying it, but failed, so I went in and bought it up.

The Pokémon franchise is the sole exception to my distaste for video games. I got really into it when it was big and new, (the games, not the cards, trading cards are stupid), and I never fell out of love with it. One of those three or four games I had for my N64 was Pokémon Stadium. But Pokémon alone wasn't enough to keep up-to-date with video gaming. I only ever owned an old fashioned monochrome GameBoy, so when the games stopped being compatible with that I stopped playing them. I downloaded Emulators of the new games and played those for a bit, but you couldn't trade with Emulators, or do any of the other things that needed link cables. BUT NOW! I have my £24 GameCube. So welcome back to Obsessionville, Tom!

Also, I just happened to buy this in the middle of essay-writing season... its almost as if I did that on purpose...

1 comment:

Brad Gamma said...

video games don't see the point in you, and youre only a £2 investment.