Thursday, 31 January 2008

I have two things to say:

Here are two things that I had to say, but didn't have anyone to say them to:

1) It was snowing earlier. It was great.

2) I saw a man sporting a Souvarov moustache identical to the kind I was sporting months ago. Seeing as nobody has really sported one of those since 1912, I came to assume that he must have seen me walking around with it before Christmas and become inspired. Yippee.

In other news, February is Moustache Month. May I politely suggest to my hairfaced readers that they start shaving all of the bits of their lower head that are not their upper lip? I know I will be!

Crapfully yours,
Frida Livery


franzivar said...

im afraid of growing a moustache... i know ill look terrible...

Roo said...

Same, that's why I started off not shaving it off today, then changed my mind and took it away with 2 swipes..

TheNineDollarBlog said...

now, okay, i gather this may sound hard to believe, but seriously: the ladies love it.

whilst walking around today i've had two ladytypes eyeing me up - although, its slightly cheating, as i've kept the tiny bit of under-lip disconnected-from-beard bit, (does that have a name, if it doesn't, i vote 'the Gem of Koumpala').

Anonymous said...