Thursday, 6 September 2007

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

Hey gang.

Firstly, I would like to thank Luciano Pavarotti for only taking 24 hours to die. I'm someone who watches the news, and it just doesn't do to hear that someone is seriously ill, because when someone is seriously ill what can the news say? They can say, "Jamie Theakston is seriously ill... um... that's it." Its only when they actually die that they can go into detail, and say, "Jamie Theakston has died today. Jamie was an entertainer who liked entertaining, going to the University of North London, supporting Brighton and Hove Albion FC and prostitution." But if they take ages to die, you're bored of them by the time you actually hear their obituary!

Speaking of which - WE'RE ALL STILL WAITING ARIEL SHARON! This isn't... Notdead...srael. No, its not, so why don't you get with the real world.

IN OTHER NEWS! Haribo, (as part of some sort of marketing campaign to make you think they are decent people), have started a campaign to petition the government to raise the Age of Majority to 30. I actually think thats a really good idea, who wouldn't want to legally be a child until they hit the big 3-oh!? Retards and dickminges, that's who!

In any case, i recommend y'all sign it at

Today, my blog title is mostly the name of a song by the Descendents, they're cool, you're not.


Anonymous said...

I signed! And woahwoahwoah... You titled a post with the name of a SONG?! Something from MUSIC?! Fuck...
*goes and has sex with marzipan* << WHICH SHE HATES! The food, not the character. Although, I don't think Marzipan is very funny. Viva la Strong Bad!

Parma Violet said...

Hey Tom.
Updating your blog called.
He said that I'm stealing your line. :(